Vulnerable Population Map

Identifying vulnerable population that need sanitary and humanitarian aid in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, government authorities declared a national health emergency accompanied by mandatory quarantine, to flatten the epidemic curve. However, due to the socio-economic characteristics of the Peruvian population, the need to make urgent interventions to aid the most vulnerable communities.

In this context, the Municipality of Lima and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) contacted the Advanced Analytical Laboratory of the Universidad del Pacifico with the objective of collaborating in the co-creation of a tool for analyzing vulnerable populations.

Initially, the main interest was to identify the areas of the city that had low access to health centers (i.e. hospitals and clinics) and a large number of older adults. Once these areas have been identified, the Municipality of Lima made interventions in these areas to help and prevent emergencies.